Balance and awareness in everyday life
Structural integration is a very effective method that is able to create a new balance in the body over the 10 sessions. A frequently ask question is: “How can I keep and further develop the obtained results?” Practicing awareness in everyday life is a challenge! Yoga is one of many to support this transfer.
In groups we practice yoga based on Hata and Kundalini Yoga. We combine the exercises with Ida Rolf's principles of gravity and include the individuality of each body. It's much less about form than about "becoming aware" of one's own body. Everyone can bring the own problem and everyday live challenge into the group. Together we discuss the issue and try out movement alternatives. e.g. «How do I not forget to breathe during the day?», «What is the best way to sit in my office chair without having this back pain all the time?», «What position should my pelvis have to help prevent the legs of getting tired?". Through awareness exercises and through the exchange between people with similar problems, a sustainable behavior can be promoted bit by bit. A feeling of balance, self-empowerment, resilience and well-being sets in.
Rolf Yoga courses in Neunkirch
Regularly: every Tuesday at 8.30 a.m
Temporary workshops: every Monday at 6.30 p.m
If you are interested in joining, please contact me. I can send you further information about the upcoming classes.